Chehalem Physical Therapy is committed to keeping our patients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are sharing our standard operating procedures with you for your peace of mind. Please find our safety procedures below.
All persons entering our clinic will be required to wear a mask. Disposable masks will be provided to patients who do not have one. Prior to entering the treatment area, patients and visitors will undergo a screening process for cold or flu-like symptoms. Temperatures will also be taken and recorded. Telehealth physical therapy options are available for patients who are at high-risk for contracting COVID or do not wish to be seen in person.
While in the office, the following standard operating procedures continue to be enforced:
Therapists perform handwashing and equipment cleaning before and after each patient
Patients are asked to wash hands/use hand sanitizer before and after treatment
Caregivers and family members not involved in the treatment are asked to wait outside the clinic to minimize waiting room numbers
We have 4,500 sq ft of treatment space. 6 ft distance is maintained between patients and therapists whenever possible
The lobby and other public use areas are cleaned frequently throughout the day
Air sanitization occurs nightly after each treatment day
All therapists and patients are required to wear face coverings during treatment
Sanitized pens will be provided
Please let us know if you have any questions about our COVID-19 protocol.